january refesh unit plan

Refresh, Reflect, Rejuvenate, Revitalize

Engage in thoughtful reflection about how to start the new year. Guide your students to engage in open-ended thought and conversation about themselves as readers and writers.

Grab this FREE January Refresh Suggested Unit Plan here

A January Refresh Unit Plan is intended to get your learners back into school mode after the holiday break and reflect on the year ahead.

This January Refresh Unit Plan can be used for however many days you wish it to last. You decide how your learners will respond to the lessons suggested. The unit is designed for two weeks or ten days.

The first five days include a series of lesson ideas to guide your learners in becoming more reflective and revisiting their purpose for reading. They will be asked to set personal actions for the new year, as well as student-created goals for reading and writing.

The second set of days (6-10) includes lesson ideas that will help guide readers into getting back into school mode when it comes to reading. This series of lesson ideas will guide them back into preparing to read a text, talking about the text and analyzing the text.

Guide your learners to reflect & set goals

Engage in thoughtful reflection about how to start the new year.

Guide your students to engage in open-ended thought and conversation about themselves as readers and writers.

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